All on 4 Dental Implants (All on Four Dental Implants)
All-on-4 dental implants are a state-of-the-art solution for replacing missing teeth and restoring the function and appearance of your smile. Unlike traditional dentures that sit on the gums and can be prone to slippage and discomfort, All-on-4 implants are securely anchored into the jawbone, providing a stable and long-lasting foundation for replacement teeth.
No matter how much we take care of our teeth and try to treat and preserve everything we can, it happens that a person loses all their teeth. Fortunately, today some solutions give good comfort, feeling, and aesthetics of natural teeth.
Are you tired of dealing with the inconvenience and discomfort of traditional dentures? Do you long for a permanent solution that restores the function and aesthetics of your smile? Look no further than All-on-4 dental implants. In this article, we’ll explore everything you need to know about this revolutionary dental treatment offered at our clinic in Belgrade.

What is All on 4 Dental Implants?
The All-on-4 dental implant system is a technique designed to replace an entire arch of missing teeth using just four strategically placed implants. Unlike traditional dental implant procedures that may require multiple implants for each missing tooth, the All-on-4 method maximizes the use of available bone and minimizes the need for bone grafting procedures.
In situations where all the teeth are missing in one jaw, it is recommended to install implants and prosthetic work on them, which can be:
– Prosthesis on implants;
– All on 4 implants;
– All on 6 or more implants.
Also, implants can be installed immediately after tooth extraction. An assessment about that will be made after talking to you, after analyzing the X-rays and the current clinical situation.
All on 4 Procedure
All on 4 Dental Implants Step by Step
If you do not have teeth in the jaw/jaws, and you would like to have good comfort and aesthetics, relatively fast production, and lower price – this is probably the right therapy for you. However, to understand what All on 4 is and whether it suits you, read the text below.
The first step is a dental examination by our team of specialists. Based on the examination and analysis of X-rays, our doctors will suggest and explain everything about the treatment.
The following is the creation of a temporary prosthesis that will give guidelines on which type of work (All on 4 / All on 6) is best for you. At this stage, all the details, advantages, and potential disadvantages of future therapy are visible, and it is also the best moment to make a final decision.
The next step is the installation of implants and the delivery of temporary teeth. A few months later, we will start making the final All on 4 prosthetic work.
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All on Four, Dental Row on Only 4 Implants
It involves a full set of teeth (usually 12 teeth) on only 4 implants, of which the two implants in the back are placed at an angle so that they can receive an increased load.
The prosthetic dental row is fixed to the implants with screws and is not removed daily as is the case with dentures. If necessary, it can be removed, but only in the doctor’s office, the patient must not do it alone at home.
Dental rows can be made of different materials: acrylic, composite, ceramic, titanium, or cobalt-chromium alloy. Each of these materials withstands a different pressure and there is no universal material for each jaw. In order to choose the right one for you, it is necessary to start with a detailed prosthetic analysis and assessment of future chewing forces.
What is the Aesthetic of All on 4 Implants?
All on 4 dental implants are very appreciative from an aesthetic point of view. You can practically have a Hollywood smile or imitate your natural teeth from your younger days. It consists of a white part (teeth) and a pink part that imitates the gums. It is characterized by complete harmony and harmony between the “gingiva and teeth”.
A beautiful smile is especially long-lasting when All on 4 is made of ceramic materials since they do not change color in the mouth. With acrylic or composite teeth, pigmentation will likely accumulate over time. Fortunately, the All on 4 is fixed with screws, it can be taken out of the mouth, corrected if necessary, and returned to function.
Are You Candidate for All-on-4 Dental Implants?
The ideal candidate for dental implant placement must have healthy gums and appropriate bone structure and density. If the patient’s bone is too thin and unable to support the implant, there are appropriate surgical procedures. For this purpose, bone augmentations can be performed, which involve the implantation of artificial bone at the site of an existing defect or the “relocation” of the patient’s natural bone from a place where there is enough of it to a place where there is none.
The best way for a patient to determine if he or she is a suitable candidate for dental implant placement is to consult with our dentists who are qualified to install dental implants. They will look at the above criteria and determine whether the implantation of dental implants is the best solution for the health and future appearance of the patient.
All on 4 Advantages
Get Your Teeth in 1 Day
The big advantage of the all-on-4 dental implants is that there is a possibility that you will get your teeth the same or the next day after the implant placement. These are temporary teeth, a small acrylic denture that we attach to implants and you can not remove it. After the completed osseointegration of the implant (period of about 3 months), we make a definite prosthetic work.
In addition to acrylic dentures, you can also get a temporary bridge, which often requires complete digitalization of the process, from implant placement to tooth delivery. It means that implants are placed using precise surgical stents. Since the process is digitized, even before the implant is placed, a temporary bridge is made in the laboratory so that you get your teeth immediately after the intervention. This process is much more precise and comfortable, but it requires additional equipment and is more expensive.
The advantage of All on 4 is that it allows you to function like you have a fixed bridge without the additional bone augmentation surgery, that a bridge on 6 or more implants would require.
Depending on the material used, the All-on-4 bridge can be very light and pleasant for the tissue, and this is especially important for people who have experienced significant bone loss.
The Aesthetic of All on 4 Implants
All on 4 dental implants are very appreciative from an aesthetic point of view. You can practically have a Hollywood smile or imitate your natural teeth from your younger days. It consists of a white part (teeth) and a pink part that imitates the gums. It is characterized by complete harmony and harmony between the “gingiva and teeth”.
A beautiful smile is especially long-lasting when All on 4 is made of ceramic materials since they do not change color in the mouth. With acrylic or composite teeth, pigmentation will likely accumulate over time. Fortunately, the All on 4 is fixed with screws, it can be taken out of the mouth, corrected if necessary, and returned to function.
All on 4 vs. All on 6
Compared to All on 6, All on 4 has a shorter build time and a lower price.
All on 4 Disadvantages
Like everything in the world, in addition to the advantages, the system has its disadvantages:
– Speech problems may occur initially. Sometimes, the All on 4 may be slightly larger than a classic bridge. This sometimes interferes with the pronunciation of individual voices – T, D, N, S. With a little patience and persistent practice, you will quickly overcome this difficulty.
– The problem may occur due to insufficient feeling during chewing. Namely, while chewing, our natural teeth activate the finest pressure receptors, and we can limit and regulate such pressure. We feel when we have clenched our teeth too much, so we reflexively relax. When implants are placed in the upper and lower jaw, this mechanism is missing and patients often bite harder than they should. This happens only in the beginning because the mucous membranes and muscles take over the function of the receptor over time. However, even that beginning is enough for the breaking of teeth in the bridge, and cracking of acrylics and ceramics.
– In most All on 4 works, the part of the bridge behind the last implant practically “hangs” and relies only on the mucous membrane, so to speak there is no support in the implant. Even when all the professional rules have been followed in the preparation of the work, the mentioned part can be a source of instability and problems.
– All on 4 made of acrylic, or composite teeth in the mouth change color over time, teeth become darker and pigmentation more frequent.
– For every work on implants, even for All on 4, enhanced oral hygiene is required, about which we will certainly train you in detail. At check-ups, we will monitor your level of oral hygiene and suggest periodic removal of the bridge for thorough cleaning.
All on 4 Dental Implants Cost
The cost of All on 4 dental implants varies greatly and depends on several factors:
– Types of implants – different types of implants have different prices;
– Types of final prosthetic work and material from which it was made;
– Bone upgrade needs;
– Types of temporary teeth;
– Digitization of the whole procedure.
It ranges from 4000 euros and more for one jaw.
At Queen Dental Clinic in Belgrade, we understand the significant impact that tooth loss can have on your quality of life. With the All-on-4 dental implant system, we offer our patients a revolutionary solution that combines the latest advancements in dental technology with personalized care and expertise. If you’re ready to reclaim the function, comfort, and confidence of a complete smile, schedule a consultation with us today to learn more about how All-on-4 implants can transform your oral health and well-being.