When to start brushing your teeth?
Even while the child is sucking, in the earliest period of life, it is necessary to start maintaining oral hygiene. With clean gauze soaked in water, clean the baby’s gums and the inside of the cheeks. When the first baby teeth erupt, you should start cleaning them with a special rubber brush or a soft baby brush. Use special toothpastes intended for children of the youngest age.

The dentist’s advice is to brush the child’s teeth twice a day, in the morning immediately after getting up and in the evening before going to bed. Certainly the most important thing is brushing your teeth before bed and it must be thorough and must not be skipped. If the teeth are not cleaned before going to bed, soft deposits, food debris and large amounts of bacteria left on the teeth and gums have all night to damage the dental tissues and cause caries. It is wrong to take another candy, milk or sweetened drink after brushing your teeth in the evening or during the night. These bad habits in children cause the so-called circular caries (caries on all teeth) in the earliest period of life.
The parent brushes the child’s teeth while he is small. It is especially important to check it regularly when he just starts brushing his teeth.
The parent is educated in the dental office on how to clean their child’s teeth, when and how to teach the child to brush his teeth and use dental floss on his own. It is very important for the child to realize that brushing his teeth is a serious job that is done every day and at a certain time. When a child learns to take care of his teeth from an early age, brushing his teeth will not be considered an obligation and a duty, but a constant habit and pleasure. This approach guarantees long-term preservation of oral and dental health.
Talk to your dentist about the possible need to apply fluoride or use special toothpastes that will strengthen the tooth substance and help fight caries for a longer period of time.

Caries of baby teeth
Caries of baby teeth occurs early, sometimes soon after their eruption. All this is a consequence of bad habits, inadequate nutrition, difficult maintenance of oral hygiene or ignorance of parents about the importance of baby teeth and the possibilities for preserving their health. It often affects a large number of baby teeth and spreads rapidly due to certain anatomical and histological specifics of those teeth. The localization of baby tooth caries is most common in predilection sites such as fissures, baby molar pits, proximal surfaces of upper and lower baby molars, and upper frontal teeth.
Visit us to guide you to the “little secrets” that will preserve the health and beauty of the teeth of your youngest.