What is implantology and what does it do?
Implantology is a part of dental medicine that deals with the replacement of one or more teeth that are missing in the oral cavity by installing dental implants. Dental implants are the basis for a replacement tooth that is implanted in the jaw and which over time gradually adapts to the tooth tissue and takes on the function of a real tooth.
Implantology has experienced great progress in the last 50 years, especially in the field of application of the latest technology and the possibility of improving and quality of the final appearance of dental implants.
The implantology procedure is a team work between the dentist and the patient. After the examination and determination of the dental condition, our experts always first consult with the patients about the best choice of dental implant for their health and future smile.
Depending on the individual condition of the patient, the appropriate type of dental implant is selected and then a treatment plan for the patient is created. The process of implant placement in the Cvjetković Dental Practice is a safe and simple procedure due to the state-of-the-art technology we use in our work and the many years of experience and knowledge of our implantologists.
What does implantology mean?
After the patient, in cooperation with our experts, selects the appropriate type of dental implants that best suits his needs, a medical procedure follows. Each patient has a different situation, and the procedures can be:
- Replacement of one tooth – if one tooth is missing, one implant and crown are used as a replacement;
- Replacement of several teeth – if the patient is missing more teeth, bridges supported by implants serve as a replacement
- Replacement of all teeth – if you are missing all teeth, replace them with dental implants that carry the entire bridge or denture.
In patients who satisfy all the criteria for the implantation of dental implants (good health, enough bones and places for implant placement, healthy gums, etc.), the percentage of successful implant placement in the Dental Practice Cvjetković has always been and will remain 100%.