What is a mobile orthodontic appliance?
A mobile orthodontic appliance is often called a mobile prosthesis for children.
It is a movable brace and the patient can remove it from the mouth by himself. It is worn by children during the period of tooth change.
It serves to direct the growth of the jaw bones and move the teeth to their correct position. In order to get and maintain the proper growth and development of the jaws and teeth, the prosthesis itself is not enough for children – it is necessary to exercise the surrounding muscles, i.e. to establish proper chewing and swallowing.
Contact us with confidence. Our specialists will show you and your child all the necessary exercises. If the child is younger and willing to perform them every day, there is a great chance that he will not need orthodontic corrections later.
In what situations is a prosthesis for children worn?
Dentures for children are worn in all situations where there is an irregularity of the teeth or jaw:
- Folded teeth, lack of space for teeth (discomfort)
- Protrusion of the upper teeth (teeth too bent or moved forward)
- Improper bite of upper and lower teeth
- Crooked teeth
- Noticeable disproportion in the development of the upper and lower jaw
How do I know that my child needs a prosthesis for children?
As a parent, without professional dental knowledge, you will hardly be able to recognize all the irregularities in your child. That is why it is important to bring the child to regular check-ups, because it is often the dentist who will recognize the potential problem.
There are some symptoms that can lead you to seek professional dental help:
- If you notice that your child’s teeth are crooked. Crooked teeth can be a normal finding during the eruption of permanent teeth before they have taken their definite position.
- Folded teeth are an almost certain finding that a denture for children or a fixed appliance will be needed
- Discomfort and insufficient space for teeth to erupt – noticeable at the time of tooth change. You will notice that the permanent teeth are large and that they take up a lot of space for the permanent teeth that need to erupt.
- A permanent tooth is missing at a time when it should have already erupted. The cause may be a lack of space in the jawbone to accommodate the tooth, which is why it remains in the bone. There are other reasons why a permanent tooth is “late” and our specialists will determine what it is about and suggest a treatment plan.
- If your child sleeps or spends most of the day with his mouth open or breathing, it is very likely that there is a jaw irregularity and that a mobile prosthesis for children is needed.
- Chewing with open mouth and bad chewing habits (which you may not notice) can be a consequence or cause of irregularities.
- – Gummy smile in children, elongated shape of the face, the appearance of dark circles clearly indicate that the upper jaw and the middle third of the face “fall” and that it is necessary to direct the growth of the upper jaw with a prosthesis for children.
If you are not sure you have recognized any of these symptoms, visit us. Our specialists will examine your child and do all the necessary analyzes. They will explain the potential problem in detail, suggest therapy and schedule any check-ups.
Why is it important for a child to wear a mobile prosthesis?
The upper and lower jaw, teeth, jaw joints, cervical spine and surrounding muscles form one functionally connected whole. In order for this system to function properly, it is necessary for all links to be synchronized in their work.
When there is an irregularity of the upper and lower jaw, and consequently a bad position of the teeth, it is very likely that the muscles are not working properly either. The mobile prosthesis for children, together with the exercises for the muscles, directs the growth of the bones and enables the entire system to function properly. All this can be achieved only in the period of childhood, i.e. puberty, while the growth of the jaw bones is still going on. After growth is complete, the only ways to correct bone disproportions are surgery.
Will the dentures affect the appearance of the child’s face or lips?
It will, of course, in a positive sense. The appearance of the face is especially affected by mobile prostheses for children because they directly stimulate the growth of the upper and lower jaw in the desired direction. Thus, in people who have a concave facial profile, we can achieve a harmonious and beautiful relationship between the middle third of the face, the upper and lower jaw. The profile will also change significantly in children whose chin, i.e. the entire lower jaw, is pulled back. According to today’s aesthetic understandings, the most beautiful faces are those who have the so-called anterior growth of the upper jaw followed by corresponding growth of the lower jaw.
Will dentures for children affect a child’s speech?
It certainly will, but only in the beginning. Over time, the child becomes accustomed to speaking clearly with the prosthesis, and when he has an important answer or conversation at school – he can temporarily take it out of his mouth.
What are the experiences of children who wear mobile dentures for children?
Experiences are very different and depend on the child. Some children are very excited and eagerly waiting to start wearing dentures. Others reluctantly enter the therapy, it is not their priority, so it happens that they lose the prosthesis. In our office, we always make additional efforts to motivate them and to make them understand the importance of wearing a mobile prosthesis. For that we need the help of parents. Sometimes we use a small trick to have the prosthesis for children painted according to the wishes of the young patient.
Mobile dentures for children may seem bulky at first. The good news is that they get used to everything very quickly, even in about 10 days.
When it comes to mobile dentures for children, oral hygiene has not changed significantly. It involves the usual cleaning and brushing the teeth and the use of dental floss. Children have to take the prosthesis out of their mouths while eating and there is no additional food retention. After the meal, they brush their teeth and put a clean denture back in a clean mouth.
The diet has also not changed because the prosthesis is not in the mouth while the children are eating.
During sports, especially contact sports, as well as during playing wind instruments, the prosthesis for children is stored in its box.
Mobile prostheses for children are “corrected” by the parents at home according to our instructions, and the check-ups at the specialist’s office are once or twice a month.
How long is a denture worn for children?
Looking at the daily level the prosthesis should be worn as long as possible, preferably 24h.
In children, for the therapy to be successful, it is necessary for the teeth to be in a neutral position between the muscles of the lips and cheeks on one side and the tongue on the other. This is not easy to achieve, but only proper muscle coordination can ensure long-term tissue stability.
Practically, a prosthesis is worn for months or years until such results are achieved. Later periodic check-ups with our orthodontist are necessary as long as growth and development lasts.
Mobile prosthesis for children – price
The price of a prosthesis for children depends on the type of therapy. During the entire therapy, the child usually receives several prostheses. First, the child starts with one, and when it corrects the irregularity that needs to be made, the other one is made and the child enteres in the second cycle of therapy. As the therapy progresses, the prostheses change because each “does its part of the job.”
The price of the total therapy with several prostheses is around 1200 euros, and the payment is in installments. The dynamics of payment follows the dynamics of therapy, and the child sometimes wears prostheses for several years. Each subsequent prosthesis is paid for when the child starts wearing it.
The price includes all check-ups.