Pediatric dentist, pediatric orthodontist, dentist for children
In accordance with our main tasks and aspirations, we offer the youngest patients a high quality of work with maximum comfort and satisfaction for children. Our pediatric dentist approaches children patiently, and the service is performed gently and with quality. Significant support is given to us by materials and products for protection and restoration of milk teeth and permanent teeth of well-established world companies: GC EUROPE, 3M ESPE.
We are especially proud of the fact that children gladly come to us, without fear. We pay special attention to your loved ones, preserving their health – the most precious thing that nature gave them at birth.
We perform all types of preventive measures and dental services.
Because your child’s bright smile is the crown of his health.
Our children’s dentist has the knowledge and is willing to take care of the health of your children’s teeth, and your help is necessary for success!
Call +381 69 2289 229
Read tips and ways in which a children’s dentist protects the health of the youngest.
When is it necessary to come to the children’s dentist for the first time?
We know that choosing the right moment and the first visit to the dentist is just one of the many doubts that accompany you during the growth of your child. We want to be with you there as well. The period from the beginning of the eruption of milk teeth until the first year of life is considered optimal for the first meeting of parents with a children’s dentist. The first visit of a child, when he turns 12 months old and still has completely healthy baby teeth, is extremely important for the future beautiful smile of your little ones. Our children’s dentist will instruct you in the “little secrets” that will preserve the dental health of your youngest.
How do I prepare my child for the first visit to the pediatric dentist?
It is best for both the parent and the pediatric dentist to do this through play. You can watch cartoons or read a story about how a children’s dentist examined the main character, or you can be a children’s dentist through the game.
Immediate parental preparation of the child for the first visit is really important, and any omission that is made then, can cause the child fear that is very difficult to overcome. Our pediatric dentist plans the first meeting with your child as a pleasant experience during which we talk, get to know each other and start a new friendship. It is necessary to let the child know, in a way that is acceptable to him, that the children’s dentist is their friend and that he will always take care of the health of his teeth.
Your little ones like to imitate you, don’t they?
Use it to prepare them for going to the children’s dentist! It is desirable that you do not show fear in front of the child, and that you avoid concepts such as pain, needle, drill. It is enough to briefly explain to him where he will go, describe the environment he will encounter. Don’t go into too much detail about the visit itself. Remember, this way of gaining a child’s trust is one of the most important steps that influences the formation of a child’s attitude towards the dentist. If the child cries or is a little restless at the dental examination, do not worry. This is normal and the pediatric dentist understands that this is a new experience for your child.
What does the pediatric dentist do during the first visit?
It all depends on the mood of the child on the one hand and the seriousness of the problem on the other. If the child comes for an examination and has practically no health problem, the children’s dentist will introduce the child to the dental environment through play. Our children’s dentist will clean his teeth and give advice on how to keep them healthy. If it is necessary to do a filling or tooth extraction and the child cooperates, of course the necessary service will be done in the first visit. It is generally most difficult with children who do not cooperate and there is swelling or pain, so the intervention cannot be postponed.
Is it necessary to bring a small child to the children’s dentist?
Of course it is. While the child is very small, the children’s dentist educates the parents on how to keep the child’s healthy teeth. When a child grows up, the emphasis is on the motivation of the child to maintain the results. The pediatric dentist is always there to support the child’s efforts, control oral hygiene and motivate parents and the child. By coming to regular check-ups, future dental interventions are reduced to a minimum. Also, children who are accustomed to coming to the dentist regularly from an early age do not have any fear of possible interventions.
Are milk teeth being repaired?
Unfortunately, parents are often misled that milk teeth do not repair themselves. This is partly due to insufficient information of individuals and partly due to a weaker health care system.
Milk teeth must be brushed and maintained in the same way as permanent teeth. Failure to clean milk teeth can lead to more serious problems such as circular caries (caries on all teeth), crowns on milk teeth, pain and swelling… It is not uncommon in practice for a milk tooth to be so damaged that it must be taken out well before it was time to replace him with a permanent deputy. Such premature extraction of milk teeth very often leads to the development of orthodontic anomalies, improper eruption of permanent teeth.
That is why it is important for the pediatric dentist to see the problem or caries in the initial stage when the tooth can be easily repaired without further consequences.
Does a children’s dentist leave a baby tooth open?
We often come across a situation when a baby tooth is open, full of caries, a destroyed nerve or even under a chronic infection – left in the mouth. The reason for this is an attempt to keep that tooth space for a permanent replacement tooth. It is important to know that it can cause significantly greater complications, spread of infection, swelling and pain. Such a tooth is the cause of bad breath, which makes children uncomfortable. The school’s method is that the milk teeth (which are indicated for extraction) are extracted, and afterwards the guards of the space for permanent teeth are made. In exceptional situations, when there is a weak cooperation of the child, the dentist for children can consider leaving such a tooth, but only for a short time.
What if the child refuses to intervene?
Fortunately, this is a rarity. The most common reasons why a child refuses an intervention are inadequate preparation by the parents or inadequate access by the children’s dentist.
In our daily practice, it has been shown that small children whose parents brush their teeth regularly and who are accustomed to a foreign body (brush) in their mouth – do not have a problem with dental interventions or coming to the dentist. In contrast, children who do not have regular brushing have more caries and are more likely to refuse suggested treatments.
The pediatric dentist is there to try to explain to the child, in a way that is acceptable to him, the upcoming intervention and its significance, and to make it as pleasant as possible.
Is it mandatory to give anesthesia?
It is not obligatory but it is very useful. Nobody likes to feel pain, not even children. Our pediatric dentist gives anesthesia very carefully and gently, almost imperceptibly. Prepare the children for the feeling of numbness beforehand, which will be unpleasant for them for the first time and later they will get used to it. When they realize that nothing hurts them, they completely relax and the intervention can be performed regularly. The key moment is for the parent to prepare them for anesthesia before they come to the office, our pediatric dentist will explain to you how.
Of course, we do not give anesthesia in situations when the caries is small and we estimate that it is not necessary.
How to persuade a child to brush his teeth?
It is best to start brushing your teeth as soon as the first tooth emerges, which is around the sixth month of life. Getting used to brushing teeth starts at that time and then goes on as usual. Use a soft toothbrush, without toothpaste, to wash each newly emerged tooth. It will entertain the baby, he will even play with the brush.
The later you start brushing your children’s teeth, the harder it will be to get used to that and the greater the possibility of tooth decay. Children mostly refuse to brush their teeth around the third and fourth year of life. It is necessary to be persistent because it is much harder to solve dental problems later.
How often should we visit a children’s dentist?
It depends on the established oral hygiene habits and the situation in the child’s mouth. In most cases, your child’s dentist will examine your child twice a year. However, if there is an increased risk of caries, visits will be more frequent.
Can completely healthy teeth be preserved?
Believe it or not – It can, and it’s not even difficult. Here are a few key things to do:
- Regular and proper maintenance of oral hygiene;
- Proper and not too frequent diet;
- Preventive measures such as sealing fissures or possible use of fluoride-based preparations;
- Regular dental check-ups.
Visit us, our pediatric dentist will instruct you in all the “small and big secrets” that will keep your child’s healthy teeth.
Call +381 69 2289 229.