Dental fluoride treatment for maximum reduction of dental caries

Fluorides are minerals that are extremely effective in preventing tooth decay. They strengthen the enamel of the tooth in its formation, before it sprouts. They can be introduced into the body endogenously (through food, water or fluoride tablets) or exogenously applied to the tooth in the form of a solution, jelly or paste. It was previously thought that a combination of these two procedures achieves maximum reduction in dental caries. If the water you drink does not have enough fluoride, consult your dentist about taking supplements. Today’s scientific opinion prefers the exogenous use of fluoride as superior.
Does your child belong to the caries risk group?
Does your child have white spots on his teeth or has caries already occurred?
If the answers to these questions are yes, professional application of fluoride would be of great help. Dental fluoride treatment involves the direct application of various fluoride compounds to the surfaces of erupted teeth, in order to prevent caries or treat the initial carious lesions of enamel.
Fluorides of much higher concentrations than those in toothpastes or mouthwashes are used in the dental office.
The application of fluoride (coating tooth surfaces with solutions, jellies or varnishes) takes a very short time. Depending on your child’s oral health, it may be repeated every 3, 6 or 12 months.