All ceramic crown – the gold standard
All ceramic crowns are solid and resistant dental restorations that are made for severely damaged, broken and weakened teeth. With the improvement of materials and manufacturing technology, all ceramic crowns have become the gold standard and are often made on both front and side teeth. With their help, we can straighten our teeth, even them out, make them bigger and brighter. They are smooth and glazed and do not change color in the mouth over time. They are often used to achieve a “Hollywood smile” where the crowns are flat and white. Of course, all variations of such a smile come into consideration, because the color and shape of the crowns depend on the patient’s wishes.
Whether you have one broken tooth or you need a “Hollywood smile” or the reconstruction of all teeth, visit the Cvjetković office. Feel safe because our prosthetic team consists of experts in this field. We will formulate a prosthetic and aesthetic plan that suits your wishes and needs.
Today, all ceramic crowns are mostly used as permanent restorations. Porcelain fused to metal crown, although still present on the market, are increasingly being suppressed by all ceramic crowns.
All ceramic and porcelain fused to metal crowns – differences
There are numerous differences between the two types of crowns mentioned, and each of them has its own indications for making them.
Although porcelain fused to metal crownsare still present in practice, all ceramic crowns have made a real revolution in dentistry. Only with the appearance of these ceramic systems did we achieve that the crown is on the same aesthetic level as a healthy and properly shaped natural tooth. The reason for that is good light transmission (identical to a natural tooth) and the absence of a gray metal alloy. These crowns are very beautiful and look natural.
In the Cvjetković office, we are acquainted with numerous aesthetic criteria that must be met in order to achieve a perfect smile, as well as with the properties of the material. We implement our knowledge and skills, software designs and precise computerized machines on the way to the end result.
In addition to aesthetic appearance, all ceramic crowns have many advantages – they are biocompatible, do not cause allergies or any other reactions of the surrounding tissue. They are thin and graceful and require significantly less grinding of teeth compared to all ceramic crowns. The edge of the all ceramic crown ends at the level of the gums or at most 0.5 mm below the gums. In this way, the surrounding gums do not suffer additional trauma, remain stable for a long period of time and do not react by later withdrawal from the neck of the tooth.
All ceramic crowns have much more advanced, computerized manufacturing techniques compared to porcelain fused to metal crowns. In our practice with crowns, we work with CAD / CAM technology using precision scanners and milling machines. The procedure involves scanning the prepared tooth (without taking unpleasant impressions), designing the crown in software and milling in precision machines. The production is very fast and can be completed during one of your visits.
And finally, when your crown is done, we start cementing it on the tooth. All ceramic crowns have a more complex, higher quality and more expensive cementation system compared to porcelain fused to metal crowns. Such so-called adhesive systems provide a significantly better connection between the tooth and the crown, without the presence of microcracks, which is important for long-term stability of the gums and harmony of the smile. Our practice uses Ivoclar Vivadent adhesive cements.
Porcelain fused to metal crowns have a metal base (gray metal alloy), on which ceramics in the color and shape of a natural tooth are baked. These crowns are strong, resistant and have good mechanical properties. The material is suitable for making bridges of larger span because it can withstand loads well.
The disadvantage is its poorer aesthetic properties. Metal does not transmit light, so these crowns do not have the transparency of a natural tooth. They can hardly completely imitate it, so they are not made as a single crown on the front teeth. However, in the hands of our experienced technicians, these crowns can also look very beautiful.
Porcelain fused to metal crowns are thicker than all ceramic crowns, which is why more extensive grinding of teeth is required when making them. The production is only partially computerized – the metal base is made by computer. The most precise metal bases are obtained by the metal printing process. On the metal prepared on this way, the dental technician manually applies layers of ceramics and models the natural appearance of the porcelain fused to metal crowns.
The problem that can occur with porcelain fused to metal crowns is marginal discoloration, the appearance of a gray edge of the crown that is aesthetically unacceptable. With the help of our associates, dental technicians, we successfully avoid this problem as well. A larger, but fortunately rare aesthetic problem, can occur due to the deposition of metal ions in the surrounding soft tissue and the consequent dark discoloration of the gums. Allergies to the alloys from which porcelain fused to metal crowns are made have been reported in some patients.
Porcelain fused to metal crowns are still in use, mainly due to the lower price compared to all ceramic crowns. Patients sometimes choose a combination of materials, so that they get all ceramic crowns in the front parts of the jaw and porcelain fused to metal crowns in the back ones.
When are all ceramic crowns intended for?
All ceramic crowns are routinely used in dental practice. They are intended for everyone who wants quality materials with modern manufacturing technology and minimal tooth grinding. They are a great choice for a dream smile because they have no limits – with them we can lengthen, straighten teeth, close gaps, adjust the bite and permanently “whiten” teeth.
All ceramic crowns are not only beautiful, but also very resistant and long-lasting.
All ceramic crowns – what types are there?
These crowns can be made of several types of ceramics (zircon, lithium disilicate, glass ceramics, etc.) and what they have in common is that they do not have gray metal, they are completely white and as such they imitate the natural aesthetics of teeth much easier. Although more expensive, they are always recommended if you need to do highly aesthetic dental crowns.
All ceramic zircon crowns
According to its chemical composition, it is zircon oxide stabilized with yttrium oxide. Apart from industry, zircon is today widely used in dentistry, mostly for the production of ceramic crowns, bridges, implants and implant superstructures.
The advantages of all ceramic zircon crowns are excellent aesthetics, longevity, fast production and especially biocompatibility, which is desirable for crowns and superstructures on implants. Earlier zircon restorations were criticized for not being transparent enough and for being too hard. Through the efforts of researchers and manufacturers, today we have high-translucent zircon crowns of optimal hardness.
Within precision CAD CAM technology, all ceramic crowns have multiple ways of fabrication. One of them is the CAM fabrication of the substructure, the zircon cap on which the ceramic is applied in the color and shape of a natural tooth. They can also be made as monolithic, whole crowns made of zircon, as well as with the “cut back technique”. Each of the mentioned techniques has its advantages and disadvantages. With good knowledge of materials and indications in practice, we successfully use their positive properties and avoid the mentioned shortcomings. Today, the development of technologies and materials is increasingly pushing the boundaries, and in the future we expect printed zircon crowns.
All ceramic crowns made of lithium disilicate
It is a newer type of crown, often known under the commercial name E-max.
These crowns have significantly improved their aesthetic properties in relation to zircon. They look nicer, are more transparent and fit perfectly into the natural dentition. However, the better the aesthetic characteristics, the weaker the strength and resistance to pressure, which must be taken into account when planning therapy.
E-max all ceramic crowns are commonly used as single (on one tooth), on front or side teeth. Bridges can be made in smaller spans, up to three members, and only in the front aesthetic region.
All ceramic crowns reinforced with leucite crystals
They are also known under the commercial name IPS Empress. These crowns have the most beautiful aesthetic characteristics but are the least resistant. They can be used to make individual crowns, but the real field of their application is ceramic veneers.
Although each of the mentioned crowns will function, it is desirable to make a good therapeutic plan and to use appropriate crowns in certain clinical situations. Therefore, for darkly painted teeth or where a metal augmentation is present, we must use less transparent all ceramic crowns for a good final appearance. In patients who clench or gnash their teeth, it is necessary to opt for crowns that can withstand such forces.