Temporary dental crowns are only an intermediate stage
Numerous names for this type of compensation have become familiar in dentistry. We call them “temporary dental veneers”, “temporary dental crowns”, “protective crowns”.
Temporary dental crowns are increasingly common in today’s dental practice. It is almost impossible to make any permanent ceramic crown without the prior use of a temporary crown.
There are many ways in which we can make temporary dental crowns, and in the Cvjetković practice we have decided on two types that give the greatest benefit to our patients. They are popularly called “office” and “laboratory” temporary crowns, although with the necessary equipment, “laboratory” crowns can also be made in the office.
Common to these two types of crowns is:
- both can be made for a certain period of time, mostly until the final crowns are finished
- both can be cemented with temporary cement and, if necessary, it can be removed and put back on the tooth
- both can protect worn and sensitive teeth from external stimuli (hot, cold, sweet)
- both can give a satisfactory aesthetic
They differ in material, strength, aesthetics and the way they are made.
How are temporary dental crowns made?
“Ordinary” temporary crowns are made in the office immediately after grinding the teeth. Before we start grinding, we form a mold for making temporary crowns. This ensures that the temporary crown is identical to the tooth before grinding.
The material for making these crowns is based on composites and is not very resistant to pressure, so care is needed when chewing solid food. It is porous, slightly rough and changes color in the mouth.
Such temporary dental crowns last about 10 days or a little longer, until the final crowns are finished.
“Laboratory” temporary crowns are made partly in the office and partly in the dental laboratory or completely in the office. The technology and method of production are very similar to the production of definitive crowns, but instead of ceramics, we use a material abbreviated as PEKK (PolyEtherKetoneKetone) for temporary dental crowns. PEKK belongs to the group of polymers and is currently the best material on the market for making temporary crowns. It has the necessary strength and resistance to pressure, so with these crowns you can freely take solid food without fear of breaking. Numerous researches are being done in the direction of using this material in the future and for definitive dental crowns.
In the office, we scan brushed teeth and in computer software we design future crowns according to pre-determined aesthetic criteria. Information from the software is sent to the so-called milling machines that produce crowns in a very short time.
At the very end, we make sure to glaze the crowns and they are very smooth. That is why you can use them for a long time because they do not retain food and what is extremely important for our patients – they do not change color over time.
In what situations do we do temporary dental crowns?
With the advent of modern materials (PEKK, PEEK), the indications for making temporary crowns have significantly expanded. They are most often made when, due to the health condition of the mouth and teeth, it is necessary to postpone and wait for the final therapeutic procedure.
Temporary dental crowns are an integral part of making ceramic crowns digitally. Future crowns are virtually modeled with the help of digital smile design software and then first made in PEKK or PEEK material. After testing the temporary crowns in the mouth and possible corrections, the final crowns are made.
Temporary dental crowns – what you need to know?
Temporary dental crowns are placed on chipped teeth to protect them from thermal and other irritations. The tooth enamel, which is a natural protective coating, is removed by grinding. The dentinal canals become open, directly transmitting stimuli to the nerve of the teeth, which causes painful sensitivity. By cementing the temporary dental crown, all irritations and painful conditions stop.
Because it takes some time to make a crown, between grinding the teeth and placing the crown, the patient has ground teeth that do not look aesthetically pleasing. The problem is solved by temporary dental crowns, which, in addition to protection against sensitivity, also provide satisfactory aesthetics.
They are mostly done in a way that they copy natural teeth before grinding, so it is not noticed that something has been done with the teeth.
Temporary dental crowns, in addition to protecting the teeth, also have a beneficial effect on the gums. It is very important that these covers in the gum region are adequately modeled, so that they are not too wide or too deep. When poorly modeled, they favor food buildup and gingivitis. Any inflammation, suppression and damage to the gums later can lead to gum retraction, bare edge of the crown and poor aesthetic appearance.
Temporary dental crowns – durability
Temporary dental crowns are worn while making PFM crowns or all ceramic crowns.
They can be made immediately after grinding the teeth from composite-based materials, so that the patient leaves the office with a smile. Due to less mechanical resistance, they can be damaged or cracked, and due to the properties of the material, after prolonged wear, they lose their aesthetic value, change color and deform. Then, if the whole process is not finished yet, new temporary dental crowns can be made to protect the ground teeth until the final crown is completed.
Temporary dental crowns – maintenance
Temporary dental crowns are easy to maintain but still require more attention compared to maintaining natural teeth. The material from which they are made gives them a certain roughness and as such they collect food more easily than natural teeth. It is necessary to brush your teeth twice a day, use dental floss and / or interdental brushes and, if possible, rinse your mouth several times a day with chlorhexidine-based liquids.
While carrying, try to chew extremely hard food with these covers as little as possible.
Avoid sticky and hard candies, chewing gum, nuts – anything that can lead to their damage, cracking and peeling.